Individual + family members

Understanding your plan


See your member benefits

Take a look at your benefit details, including certificate of coverage, member policy or certificate and member handbook.

Get details



Find out about our wellness offerings and learn about how to earn rewards. And learn about our care management and preventive care offerings.

Get the right care

When should you go to your primary care provider versus urgent care or ER? Or should you try an e-Visit? Find out how to get the right care at the right place. 

Behavioral health

Find out what services, supports, and treatment options are available to you and your family.

Notables member newsletter

Notables, our magazine for members, features articles about living an active, healthy life along with benefit updates, and wellness offerings.

Family communications

Family members often want to talk with us about your health coverage. But you'll first need to provide authorization for that.


Find out about your health care coverage when traveling.