Medicare Advantage Part D prescription drug savings

For plan members in Illinois and Missouri

Find ways to save on your prescriptions

Generic Drugs

  • Generic drugs usually cost less than brand-name drugs. They are rated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be as safe and effective as brand-name drugs.
  • $0 at your local pharmacy for tier 1; $0 for tier 1 and 2 in at Costco mail order for 90-100 days supply.

Fill prescriptions for 100-days instead of 90-days

  • Save 1 extra fill a year by requesting your doctor write a 100-day supply for all the maintenance medications you take. 
  • $0 for a 100-day fill at a mail-order pharmacy for Tier 1 and Tier 2 drugs at Costco retail and mail-order pharmacies – no Costco membership required.

Use our preferred retail pharmacy network or mail order pharmacy 

  • Members save money by filling prescriptions in our preferred retail pharmacy network and through our mail order pharmacy.
  • Preferred pharmacies include all SSM pharmacies, Walgreens, Walmart, Costco, and CSPEN pharmacies.

Vaccine savings

  • $0 vaccine at the doctor's office or the pharmacy. Vaccines typically given at your pharmacy can now be offered when you see your doctor.

Insulin savings

  • You will pay a $30 copay per prescription at a preferred pharmacy or a $35 one at a standard pharmacy. These savings apply through the deductible and copay stages and the donut hole.

What you need to know about the cost of your drugs

Review your medication on the formulary and the tier it is on to understand how much per month or 100 days that it will cost you.

View our Medicare disclaimer.